Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Beginning...

View of Prague from the St. Charles Bridge

Last fall I was given the opportunity to reevaluate my life choices.  After twenty-plus years working in marketing I decided I needed a change.

For some time I wanted to teach English as a second language.  I love to travel and experience other cultures and wanted to live in another country.  

After taking a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) course I received my certification from Oxford Seminars in November 2011. I've been an assistant ESL teacher for District 11 in Colorado Springs, Colorado since January and will finish out the semester this month.

Sample of Prague art
With Oxford Seminars help I was hired by The Canadian Language School as an ESL teacher for the school year 2012 - 2013. I leave for Vienna in July for a short vacation before I start my duties at the school in Trencin, the third largest city in Slovakia.  

I decided to start this blog to feature my experiences, the processes required to work in another country as an ESL teacher and provide travel tips for the area.  

Before I leave for Europe I must provide the school with an FBI background check.  The background check takes around 10 weeks. I will be sending my application to the FBI around the middle of May.  For those that may need this information here is a link to the FBI website.  Many thanks to Julie Dean, a current ESL teacher at the school, for helping me with the process.

I've placed a couple of my photos from a trip to the city of Prague in the Czech Republic I took a few years ago.  I will add more photos from my travels in the blog.

My next post will be after the background check. If you'd like to subscribe to this blog please click the subscribe button to the right of this page.  

I'm on Skype so if you have access to it please send a request to connect by logging on and searching for me at rsmcguire323 or r_mcguire2002@yahoo.com. Let me know what you think of the blog, and any recommendations on post topics. 

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