Saturday, August 11, 2012

Levoca, the Gem of Slovakia

Levoca, the Gem of Slovakia

With just a few days to spare prior to the start of the school year, I decided to travel to East Slovakia.  I'd heard Levoca, a beautiful, quaint village between the high Tatras and Slovenske Rudohorie Mountains should be on my must see list.  It didn't disappoint.  The architecture and artistic detail of the structures are like listening to a majestic symphony.  

Historic homes on the square that have been preserved

There are some 60 historic houses around the main square.  Most are very well preserved in Gothic, Baroque and Renaissance and Neo-Classical buildings.
Detailed building paintings 

Historic Town Hall in Levoca

The Church of St. James is quite impressive but one of the biggest attractions in the main square is the former Town Hall displaying the works of Master Pavol.  Levoca and neighboring Spis Castle (see below) are on the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites.

The Cage of Disgrace
One of my favorite little bits in town is the "Cage of Disgrace," in which women who had committed minor crimes would be placed on display.  I have heard the crimes range from nagging your husband to prostitution.

As fate would have it, I was eating dinner in the hotel restaurant when I overheard a couple sitting at the next table speaking English.  I asked them a question and before I knew it I was sitting with David and Nadia Conway at their table having dinner and hearing all about life in Levoca.  David and Nadia purchased a historical home in town and renovated it over about 18 months. Many thanks to the Conway's for showing me there beautifully restored home.

Nadia is originally from Slovakia but moved to England as a young women.  She and David returned to Slovakia after the regime fall and fell in love with Levoca.  David, a classical musician and music enthusiast and Nadia started the Indian Summer in Levoca an international music festival five years ago. It runs September 28 - October 4. I'm really hoping I'll be able to travel to Levoca for the festival.  

Spis Castle

One of the most formidable and oldest castle's in Slovakia, Spis Castle (Spissky hrad) dates from the 11th century and was the largest fortress complex in Central Europe with about 2,000 occupants.  Much of the castle burned down in 1780 but it is gradually being restored.  It is by far the most impressive sight from a distance.  I don't think this photo really does it justice.

This is the entrance gate that leads to the lower part of the castle courtyards.  There are walkways through the courtyards to the palace museum and chapel.

Entrance Gate

I climbed up rock stairs that are quite narrow with chains as railing handles, to the highest most point of the upper castle tower.  I do have a bit of Vertigo so this was a challenge but all worthwhile.  This photo really doesn't do the magnitude of the town, Spisske Podhradie (which means below the castle) justice.

I will be posting my photo albums on my Facebook page.  Thanks for reading and please give me your feedback. Or if you have Skype, let's talk.  I need to practice my English!


1 comment:

  1. Absolutely gorgeous! Ahhh, living vicariously through you, Robin, and thoroughly enjoying our great adventure. Haa!! Can't wait to see what's next!
