Saturday, June 8, 2013

Summer in Cachtice

Getting Ready for the picnic (Peter center, Elenka far left with her husband and child, Hanka next to Peter on the right and Katka (Peter's right hand) on the right with her husband and two of her children)

It has been a rainy start to summer in Slovakia.  On Saturday, the Skypers teachers and families traveled about 30 minutes to a village, Cachtice for a picnic.  Cachtice is known for the countess Elizabeth Bathory, rumored to be the "Blood Countess" and responsible for the deaths of several young virgin girls for their blood.  Supposedly, Elizabeth felt the blood had "powers" to keep her young and bathed in their blood.  She summoned several young girls to her castle in Cachtice to be slaughtered for the blood so she could bath in it.  

Who knows if this is true or not, in any case, the village is quite unique and very picturesque as you can see by the photos.  

The Skypers team (Peter Remis our boss) and English, French and Italian teachers all traveled there for a picnic with their families.

It was quite a nice warm day and the afternoon rains held off for a while.  We were lucky to have this time in the sun!

Elenka (French teacher) Peter & Zuzka (one of my students) 
There is a cave on the property and Peter lead an excursion into the cave below the orchard where we were picnicking.  It was quite interesting.  You could actually see writings from the 15-17th centuries. The kids and adults loved it.

Afterward we decided to take one area of the orchard and plant pumpkin seeds in the hopes of a harvest this fall.  Unfortunately I will not be in Slovakia so I'll have to rely on the Skypers team to let me know if we have a successful patch.

All in all a wonderful summer day in Slovakia!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are enjoying the blog. I really love sharing my adventures in this beautiful country and surrounding areas. Keep watching for new posts!
