Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Trapped in New England

In New England we have been under snow for two weeks. And when I say under, I do mean under. I can't see out of any door or window and I think my car is somewhere...hope I can find it soon.

Apartment on the left and car (I think) buried on the right
Perhaps I might feel differently if I wasn't home unemployed but to sit on my couch and look out at nothing but snow is a bit depressing.

After the hours of catching up on The Walking Dead, watching Oscar nominated movies and wishing I had a Kindle for books, I ventured out (narrowing slipping through my side door) to take a walk to the Y and worked out. Even through a blizzard the snow was beautiful. Living next to the water, gleaming with a slight bit of sun, was lovely.

To keep my spirits up and the marketing skills honed, I am able to work pro bono for a local wine shop creating email, print and social media campaigns. As well as keeping me busy, I've been able to really help the owner and it's been rewarding to hear her pleased with my efforts.

I'm waiting for a third interview that has been cancelled twice now due to weather but hope it will actually come off tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

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