Monday, January 12, 2015

Looking for an ESL job? Now's the Time to Apply

View of Prague from Charles Bridge

As I'm reflecting on the new year, I was reminded of a January a few years ago when I started my search for a teaching position abroad. I had just received my TEFL/TESOL certification from Oxford Seminars.  If teaching abroad is something you've been thinking about, now is the time of year you want to start your search to teach abroad for fall semesters.

Most schools will start researching for teachers in January/February due to the amount of time it takes to get work visas and other reports and forms for teaching abroad for North American residents. 

As I mentioned in my article on How to Teach Abroad in Slovakia on GoAbroad, there is a process and it will take several months to complete. Of course, if you are a European Union country resident then the process time is much quicker.

Pamukkle, Turkey (Cotton Castle)

I would love to have had a list of resources to help in my journey so I thought I would share them for anyone interested in teaching ESL or working abroad.

First, if you want to teach you will need to complete a TEFL/TESOL certification. I achieved mine through Oxford Seminars. There are other certification schools but Oxford Seminars is located in most major cities and classes are online and on the weekend.

GoAbroad and Expatblogs are also good resources for information on the expat life and places you might want to apply with requirements.

Once you have completed your studies you can register your CV/resume with online websites like ESLJobsWorld. Sign up for weekly updates on positions all over the world. Be careful though which sites you sign up on and make sure if you are contacted by email, that you speak to an individual rather than just through email and never, never, give out personal information through email or send someone money for a visa. Plus, always request a printed contract and research the school/organization online first. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Good luck, and please feel free to leave comments and I'll respond to any questions or messages. Make 2015 the year you changed your life! 

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