Friday, May 25, 2018

Washington D.C. The City of Trees

Recently I visited Washington D.C. for my nieces graduation from George Washington University. In between graduation ceremonies (there were two) and party dinners and brunches, I took my sister on a Hop On Hop Off bus tour around D.C. 

The tour guide started the audio program with the statement, Washington D.C. is known as the city of trees. And, I know why, D.C. receives more rainfall per year than Seattle. The city is covered with tree-lined streets (of course, it had been raining for days), so the name fits.  

Unfortunately it did rain most of the time I was there so my pics are not all that good. But I did get a few.


We started at the "Mall" where the Vietnam Memorial and Lincoln Memorial start at one end and finish with the Washington Monument (elevators still not working so I could ride to the top)

Lincoln Memorial

I saw the memorial in the day and at night. Night is definitely the better time to see this masterpiece. It will give you goosebumps to be in his presence.

Vietnam Memorial

Definitely not what I expected.  I thought is was a very tall wall but actually it is in a V shape, starting low to the ground and then building to a wall whereby you can touch the top of it and then slowly works its way down to the ground again on the other side. 

I'm not sure what the significance is to the 1959 at the top of the wall at its peak, but I think it was the beginning of the Vietnam "conflict".

Bronze statues at start of Vietnam Memorial

Across the street from the Lincoln Memorial on Constitution Avenue is the Einstein Memorial and the Science Technology Building.
If you rub his nose it brings you luck!

White House


After the tour of monuments the bus stops by the White House. My sister and I had lunch at the Old Ebbitt Grill. It was yummy! Not sure if the president was in residence.


And then there were the museums...for this trip, just one exhibit at the Smithsonian is all I could get in, the Freely Exhibit and the Buddha's. Namaste!

Next time, more of the Smithsonian.

It was a lovely trip and I have to end this post with a pic of my beautiful, talented niece with two undergrad degrees. Congrats Sarah, we will all be working for you someday!

And still more D.C.

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