Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year 2015

I'm not much for resolutions because life happens whether you want it to or not. You can have a plan, but that doesn't mean you won't have a plot twist, thank goodness! Life would be pretty boring without them.

Having said that, there are benefits to having goals you hope to achieve and work towards. These too will change throughout the year, but it's still worthwhile making and trying to keep to them.

2014 started out with me leaving behind a world I had come to love. Living in Europe for two years was literally the highlight of my life and it was difficult to come back to the US. Initially I was worried about finding a job and as it happened, found one relatively quickly. I picked up from Boston and moved to the North Shore and settled in. Unfortunately, the job wasn't satisfying and it ended in November. I was able to meet new people and started to get connected in my new hometown of Salem, only to be tossed out and once again in survival mode.

So, 2015 is starting out much like 2014. Job seeking, trying to decide where to live and figuring out what to do next. Best laid plans...

I was hoping to get back to Europe for a visit in the spring, but now it looks more like fall if I'm lucky.

I suppose my greatest wish or goal is to be fearless again. I lost that for a while and I'm hoping to get it back.

Here's hoping you will all meet your resolutions, goals or whatever you want to achieve in 2015!

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